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90 Days to Your First Laundromat!
Introduction to Laundromat Analysis & Valuation
The Two Analyses
The Analysis Calculator
The First Analysis
The First Analysis
Calculating the Net Operating Income (NOI)
Defining the Multiplier
Determining the Multiplier
Other Factors of the Multiplier
The Dirty Little Secret
Exceptions to Classical Valuation Methods
Real World Examples
Making the Offer
Offer Contingencies
The Second Analysis
The Second Analysis
The 4 Pillars of Laundromat Due Diligence
Pillar 1
Verify the Laundromat's Income
Income Verification- Water Analysis Method
Income Verification- The Coin Collection Method
Document Analysis
Pillar 2
Verify the Laundromat's Expenses
Document Analysis Method
The Lease
Pillar 3
Determine the Laundromat's Trajectory
Trajectory Over Time
The "Why?"
Guarding Against Surprise Problems
Pillar 4
Find Value-adds
The Power of Value-Add
More to Look For
10 Red Flags to Watch Out For
Online Reviews
Your Team
Your Team
Aligned-interest Teammates
Misaligned-interest Teammates
Valuing Commercial Real Estate
Valuing Commercial Real Estate
Stick to Your Guns (Important)
Begin With the End in Mind
Don't Waste Your Time!
Verify the Laundromat's Income
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