What's in the Course?

We’ll go over everything from how to find the right laundromat to buy, how to analyze the deal and value the laundromat, and how to verify all the numbers to ensure you’re buying what you think you’re buying!

Even though this is a free course, it’s not fluff. So get out your notepad and pen and be ready to take notes. This is real, practical information that has been finely tuned through my own laundromat purchase and those of literally hundreds of my consulting clients. This works!

Lesson 1: How to find a laundromat

Lesson 2: How to analyze and value a laundromat

Lesson 3: Conducting Due Diligence

Example Curriculum

  How to Find the Right Laundromat
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Analyze & Value a Laundromat Deal
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Conduct Due Diligence on a Laundromat
Available in days
days after you enroll

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